What is Snapchat and who uses it?
Snapchat is a social media app that permits people to share photos and videos, with the catch that their content lasts for a maximum of 10 seconds. These brief messages, mostly visual but with the possibility of adding some text too, have soared in popularity among people between the ages of 18 and 34.
According to data reported in a recent Techcruncharticle, Snapshot’s penetration among this age group is 32.9%, second only to Facebook and Instagram. There’s also a prediction that its popularity will continue to grow.
Is Snapchat right for your marketing efforts?
You have to consider your demographics. Especially if your target demographic is made up of Millenials, you might want to incorporate Snapchat into your marketing strategy.
How can Snapchat work for you?
You might be wondering how Snapchat can be effective if people only see the content for 10 seconds or less.
There are various ways to incorporate Snapchat into a marketing campaign, including providing visual teasers of products or services you’re about to offer. If you’ve shared content elsewhere as part of an online marketing campaign, you can also alert Snapchat users to it by showing parts of it through the app: a striking image or a few moments of footage that could prompt them to check out your website or follow you on social media platforms such as Twitter.
Other content to share on Snapchat includes updates about products, last-minute reminders about events you’re sponsoring, and coupons for your business.
Because Snapchat is social, you can also have potential customers help you with your marketing. For example, you can encourage people to snap photos or videos of your product (whether it’s a photo of their favorite dish at your restaurant chain or a video of themselves using the exercise equipment you sell) and send it to you for potential prizes.
Maybe it’s worth giving Snapchat a try. It’s a fun, informal social messaging app, and you can really get creative with how to reach people in 10 seconds or less while still having an impact on them. Contact us to further discuss different ways to creatively and effectively use different social media apps or platforms as part of your overall online marketing strategy.